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Projector BENQ MX560 XGA 4000 Lumens HDMI VGA – Proyektor BENQ MX 560
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Projector BENQ MX560 XGA 4000 Lumens HDMI VGA – Proyektor BENQ MX 560
Projector BENQ MX560 XGA 4000 Lumens HDMI VGA – Proyektor BENQ MX 560
Projection System DLP Single 0.55″ XGA
Resolution 1024 x 768 pixels
Brightness (ANSI lumens) 4000 ANSI Lumens
Contrast Ratio (FOFO) 20000:1
Display Color 30 Bits (1,07 billion colors)
Native Aspect Ratio Native 4:3 (5 aspect ratio selectable)
Light Source Lamp
Light Source life*
Normal 6000 hr
Economic 10000 hr
SmartEco 10000 hr
LampSave 15000hr
Resolution Support VGA(640 x 480) to WUXGA_RB(1920 x 1200)
Throw Ratio 1.96~2.15
Zoom Ratio 1.1X
Lens shift : NA
Projection Offset** 110%
Projection Size 60″~150″
Keystone Correction Auto ID, Vertical +/- 40 degrees
Horizontal Frequency 15K~102KHz
Speaker 10W x 1
Composite Video in (RCA) x1
Resolution Support VGA(640 x 480) to WUXGA_RB(1920 x 1200)
Horizontal Frequency 15K~102KHz
Vertical Scan Rate 23 ~ 120 Hz
Power Comsumption(Max/Normal/Eco) Max 280W, Normal 260W, Eco 215W
Standby Power Comsumption Normal < 0.5Watts.
Power Supply 100 ~ 240V AC
Remote Control w/ Battery x 1 (5J.JND06.001)
Power Cord (by region) x 1 (1.8m)
Quick Start Guide x 1 (4J.JND01.001)
Warranty Card (by region) x 1
VGA(D-sub 15pin) Cable x 1 (1.5m)
AAA Battery x 2
Tags: 0xF1, 5011, 5200, 5B00, 900FWD Epson TX300F, 960FWD, Absensi Online Sekolah, acer, Acer Authorized Reseller, Acessoris komputer ungaran, adaptor, Adaptor Charger, Aksesoris Fingerprint, aktivasi, antivirus, ASF Patah, asus, Asus Authorized Reseller, Axioo, B200, bad sector, Barcode Scanner, baterai, beban panas berlebih, Benq, Billing System, bios, BIOS error, blue screen, booting, Brother, Call Center, Canon, Canon E510, Canon G1000, Canon G3000, Canon iP2770, Canon ix6550, Canon MG3570, Canon MG5570, Canon MP258, Canon MX 377, Canon MX397, Cat 5e, Cat 6, Catridge Bergerak ke kanan secara keras, Catridge tidak terdeteksi, cctv, charger, chipset, Compaq, data, Dell, digital signage ungaran, DISA / Automated Attendant, dvd, E13. 46, E14, E15, E16, E17, E2-2, E22, E23, E24, E25, E26, E27, E28, E29, E3-3, E33, E35 15, E37 17, E4, E40 20, E42 22, E5-5, E610, E8, E9, Easylink SDK, Epson, Epson K100, Epson L110, Epson L120, Epson L1300, Epson L350, Epson L360, Epson L380, Epson L455, Epson L800, Epson M100, Epson ME 620F, Epson ME-10, Epson PM235, Epson SP1390, Epson XP-30, Error, excel, Fiber optic, Fiber Optic ungaran, fingerprint, Fingerprint BTS, Fingerprint ungaran, Fixed Wireless Terminal (FWT), G1000, G2000, G4000, ganti, gps tracker ungaran, hang, hardisk, Hasil Print Kosong, Hasil Printer Bergaris - garis / Putus putus, Hasil Printer Ngeblok, Hasil printer tidak rata / garis tidak lurus, Homestay Gor Pandanaran Wujil, HP, HP Authorized Reseller, ic, instalasi Advertising Promo Screen ungaran, instalasi air, instalasi Akses Kontrol ungaran, instalasi Alarm System ungaran, instalasi Hotel Lock ungaran, Instalasi Jaringan Kabel Telepon PABX / IP-PABX, instalasi listrik, instalasi pabx, instalasi Palang Parkir ungaran, Instalasi Perangkat, instalasi Video Door Phone ungaran, Integrated Voice Respond (IVR), IP PABX, ip7270, ix6770, jaringan, Jaringan Lan, Jasa Konsultasi, Jasa Remote Setting PABX / IP-PABX, K200, K300, Kedip – kedip, Kembangkan Sendiri (SDK), keyboard, komputer, Komputer Gaming, komputer gaming ungaran, konektor, Kunci Pintu Digital, L1800, L210, L220, L300, L310, L355, L365, l385, l485, L550, L565, L656, L805, L850, lambat, Lampu Blink, laptop, Laptop Blue Screen, Laptop lemot, Laptop mati, Laptop overheat, Layar Laptop Mati, lcd, lemot, Lenovo, Lenovo Authorized Reseller, LG, M200, Maintenance Contract / Kontrak Service PABX / IP-PABX, malware, mati, ME-301, Membuat saluran pembuangan tinta, memory, Mesin Absensi Sidik jari, Mesin Absensi tanpa computer, Mesin Absensi Telapak Tangan, Mesin Absensi Wajah, MG3670, MG4270, MG5670, MP237, MP287, MSI, MX457, MX497, MX537, NEC, no display, office, outlook, overheat, P07, P08, pabx, panas, panggilan, password, PC Desktop Desain Grafis, PC Desktop Drafter, PC Desktop Gaming, PC Desktop Office, PC Desktop Pelajar, Pemasangan, Pemasangan Infus tinta, Pemasangan PABX dan Terminasi Kabel MDF, pembersihan, Pemrograman / Setting / PABX / IP-PABX, penggantian, Penggantian Baterai, Penggantian keyboard, penjualan fingerprint, Perbaikan / Repair / Service PABX / IP-PABX, Perbaikan PABX, PM245, PMS Hotel System, port, power, power point, Printer berbunyi keras, Printer Epson Head Buntu, Printer Inkjet macet, Printer Laserjet menarik kertas terus – menerus, Printer Mati Total, Printer menarik kertas secara miring, Printer tersumbat, Printer tidak bisa menarik kertas, proses windows sangat lambat, ram, reballing, recovery, Resetter, Samsung, service, service fingerprint, service laptop bisa ditunggu, service laptop murah, service laptop terdekat, service laptop ungaran, service Notebook, service Printer ungaran, Service ups ungaran, software, Software Personalia dan Penggajian, Sony Viao, Soundcard tidak berbunyi, speaker, SSD, SSD M2, SSD NVME, suara tidak keluar, system operasi, T1100, T50, T60, Tampilan No display, teknisi, Teknisi PABX, Telepon, tempat service laptop, terdekat, Tidak bisa direset, Tidak bisa menarik kertas, tidak bisa mencetak, Toshiba, Udara masuk ke dalam selang Infus, ungaran, Upgade memory Ram, Upgrade / Tambah Kapasitas PABX / IP-PABX, ups, usb port, vga, Voice Logger System, Voice Mail System, Voice Recorder System, VoIP Gateway, WF7511, wifi, windows, windows 11, word, XP-102, XP-202, XP-402
Projector BENQ MX560 XGA 4000 Lumens HDMI VGA – Proyektor BENQ MX 560
Berat | 300 gram |
Kondisi | Baru |
Dilihat | 232 kali |
Diskusi | Belum ada komentar |
Projector BENQ MS560 SVGA 4000 Lumens HDMI VGA Projection System: DLP Single 0.55″ SVGA Resolution: 800 x 600 pixels Brightness (ANSI lumens): 4000 ANSI Lumens Contrast Ratio (FOFO): 20000:1 Display Color: 30 Bits (1,07 billion colors) Native Aspect Ratio: Native 4:3 (5 aspect ratio selectable) Light Source: Lamp Light Source life*: – Normal 6000 hr… selengkapnya
*Harga Hubungi CS
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